Category: mudra treatment

Mudras to over come emotional weakness

Emotional weakness is the main dragging force that stoping you from leading a successful life. When  you analyze a failures most of the time the main curlprit is your bad emotions. Nothing to worry to day I am sharing few important and simple mudras that will help you to over come these emotional weakness. Pran […]

Mudras to overcome Laziness

Laziness is the single reason 50% of the people are not getting success. Carelessness or recklessness is the another culprit that leads to failure. You may think you didn’t have laziness and recklessness, but this mudra will help you to increase your enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the single factor that will give 90% of success. These […]

Mudra For Happiness

Mudras have tremendous healing power, and I shared a lot of healing mudras but today I am sharing crucial mudra that will lead you to happiness. This mudra or hand gesture attracts the situations which will make you happy and also changes your attitude towards life. This mudra creates a state o mind that will […]

How Mudras Are Works To Cure In Female Sterility

Mudra treatment to cure female sterility   Defects in the genital organs may be organic or functional.To correct structural defects, surgical measures have been devised.But some functional defects of these organs can also be successfully treated by mudra therapy. On condition is called bandhyatva issueless in Ayurveda. And generally, this is caused by the simultaneous […]


MUDRAS FOR BALANCING ENERGY Set of four mudras for balancing energy that is used in a sequence alternately touch the tips of each finger with the tip of your thumb. Keep each connected for a few seconds or longer and do for a few minutes total. Do this with both hands simultaneously. This is a […]

Mudra to overcome stress,depression and laziness

Mudra is a non medical and natural way of treatment. Mudras are very useful remedy for these ailments like stress,depression and laziness. Sit in padma asana or any comfortable position,spine should be erect and straight.Breath deeply concentrate on breathing cycle  and perform akaash vardhak mudra. This mudra is very effective you will get relief in […]

Mudra For courage and confidence

Abhy mudra is very useful to improve your courage and confidence.Practitioner of these mudra will be free from phobias and fear.A gradual increase in their vitality,boldness and thoughts will inevitably be witnessed.They become brave in adverse situations their confidence and self worth improves significantly.

Mudra treatment for appendicitis

Appendicitis is a most common and dangerous intestinal disorder.It is an inflammation of the vermiform appendix.It presents in chronic and acute forms and affect both the sexes equally. This disease now accounts for about half the acute abdominal emergencies occurring between the ages 10 to 30.It is more frequent in developed countries than underdeveloped countries. […]

Mudra Treatment For Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa refers to the loss of appetite resulting from nervous anxiety.This worrying is self-induced and seen mainly in the woman.This is a psychological disorder and begins to slim.The woman who is suffering from this disease reduces intake of food and gradually become eating nothing and becomes fragile.She develops a distorted image of her body […]