Category: Complete nature cure

Best Alternative Medicine Therapies

Many alternative medicine therapies are practicing all over the world.Here I am sharing some important alternative medicine therapies that you may practice without any experts assistance at home. All these are very simple and natural without any side effects on your health. Five Best Alternative medicine therapies that you can do easily at home: Acupressure […]

Complete nautral treatments for Oedema

Oedema or edema is defined as, Due to several reason in the body, or non-inflammatory swelling that is called as edema. Edema (also oedema, dropsy, and hydropsy) is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the interstitium, located beneath the skin and in the cavities of the body. Clinically, edema is manifest as swelling; the amount […]

High Blood Pressure Natural remedy

There are many natural treatments believed to be useful for treating high blood pressure or hypertension.Modern research proved that diet that is low in saturated fat and salt and rich in complex carbohydrates(vegetables,wholegrains,legumes,and fruits ),increased physical activity and regular practice of relaxation techniques like yoga,meditation and mudra can help lower high blood pressure.Diet that lowers […]

Complete Nature Cure For Gastritis

Gastritis, its Ayurvedic name, trouble someUrdhavaga Amltroublesomecondition which gives rise to many complications if not treated in time. Causes for gastritis: The primary cause of an attack of gastritis is a dietary indiscretion.Infections like influenza, foodpoisoning, toxins of uraemia and gout and swallowing of acids and alkalis also give rise to gastritis.Improperly cooked foods, excessive […]

Varicose Veins – Complete Nature Cure

Varicose veins is a serious and painful condition,If you or your loved one is suffering from this problems here is the complete natural treatment for it.Here I am sharing all the major natural treatments like yoga, mudra,natural treatments. Varicose Veins Varicose veins are a disorder which formed by veins enlarge,dilated or thickened.Varicose veins may occur […]

Healing Malaria Naturally

Healing Malaria Naturally Malaria diet: Fast on orange juice and water for a few days. Diet is of utmost importance in the treatment of malaria. To begin with, the patient should fast on orange juice and water for a few days, depending on the severity of the fever. Other fruits that are beneficial for patient […]

Healing Urticaria Naturally

Healing Urticaria Naturally Digestive Disorders:  There are several causes of urticaria. It may result from digestive disorders like mechanical irritation in the digestive tract or toxemia. Drugs:  It may be caused by drugs like aspirin, penicillin, quinine, ipecac, and so on. Food: Certain foods often cause urticaria in susceptible individuals. These include strawberries, tomatoes, cucumber, […]