Category: Ayurveda

Top 5 Herbs for Seasonal Allergies with Diet

  Allergies is defined as the body’s response against any external stimulus. Many people are allergic to the various chemicals that are present in the atmosphere during this spring season of the year. Sneezing, coughing, running nose and congestion are the major characteristics of the seasonal allergies. Allergic rhinitis and hay fever also make the […]

Health benefits of Arjun”How to use Arjun”

Aruna bark has numerous health benefits. It is an astringent, cooling, aphrodisiac, demulcent, cardiotonic, styptic, antidysenteric, urinary astringent, expectorant, and tonic.     How to use Arjuna bark Cardiac tonic Arjuna bark is useful as a cardiac tonic and a preparation called” Arjuna Ksheera Paka” is repeatedly used with encouraging results in the Ayurvedic medical […]

Health benefits of Aloe “how to use Aloe”

  Leaf juice of Aloe is a useful Ayurveda remedy. It is bitter, cooling, anthelmintic, carminative, diuretic, stomachic and emmenagogue.   How to use Aloe Jaundice Few drops of Aloe juice is instilled in the nostril to control jaundice. Liver disorders and splenomegaly Aloe juice along with turmeric powder is taken twice a day beneficial […]

Ayurveda Health Benefits of Ajowan

Fruits of Ajowan has many health benefits. It is useful as thermionic, antispasmodic, stimulant, digestive, carminative and anthelmintic.     How to use Ajowan Flatulence To overcome flatulence take one teaspoon of ajowan seeds and roast it in a pan until the seeds turn red. Then pour two cups of water into the pan and […]

Why you should sleep on left side

    We all are aware that sleep plays a vital role in maintaining a good physical and mental health. But only a few known  that the position in which you sleep is just as important as the duration of your sleep. Fact, the sleeping position make a big difference in your health and also […]

Ayurveda remedy for Dengue fever

  Dengue fever or Dandak Jwara as described in Ayurveda also called Dandy fever, three-day fever (from its duration) and breakbone fever- is a disease of tropical and sub-tropical regions.   Its onset is sudden, and swelling and pains characterise it in the joints. Eruptions may also appear on the various parts of the body. […]

Ayurveda remedy for Epistaxis

Bleeding from the nose is called epistaxis. According to Ayurveda, it is a from of urdhvaga rakta pitta. It is usually associated with nasal polyp. During summer, this occurs often, specially in small children. The patient having epistaxis should be given a wash of his face and head with cold water. Cold water can be […]

Ayurvedic treatment for Bells palsy or Ardita

  Ayurvedic medicine refers facial paralysis with the name Ardita. The Word Ardita means the condition caused due to abnormal (vitiated/aggravated/taking the opposite pathway) function of Vata. Because of this, the mouth/face turns in the opposite direction. CAUSES OF BELLS PALSY Constant rubbing or irritation of eyes, ears and nose Constant yawning Day sleep Excess […]

Ayurveda and natural treatment for Gonorrhoea

Gonorrhea or Ushmavata as known in Ayurveda is one of the most common venereal or sexually transmitted diseases (STD), known as the clap. In both men and women, the first symptom is usually painful and frequent urination accompanied by urethral of vaginal discharge. Women may have such mild symptoms, however, that they see no reason […]